Following Google’s release of a reference implementation of the Wave protocol in Java form, I thought I’d give it a try, but installing Openfire, the XMPP-based backend, turned out to be the biggest challenge. Using the default installation, I could not log in to the admin console page. Many other people seem to have this same problem, and I could not find a solution online. I found the problem or rather, a workaround.

Short identification of the problem:

  1. The setup script did not save my admin password.
  2. The login script will not accept the default password admin, probably because it’s too short.

Short solution:

  1. Manually change the admin password in the database to something longer like admin! (but hopefully a stronger password than that).

I had tried all kinds of database settings during this ordeal, and at the end I was using SQLite (JDBC driver here), so I just edited the .sqlite3 file with the sqlite3 command line program to fix the password:

sudo sqlite3 /usr/local/openfire/embedded-db/openfire.sqlite3 “UPDATE ofUser SET plainPassword=’admin!’ WHERE username=’admin'”

Problem solved.